De profundis
4 canzoni per voce e 2 strumenti melodici secondo le poesie di Michelangelo Buonarroti
- All´amore
- All´amico
- Al mondo
- A Dio
De profundis, 4 songs for voice and 2 melodical instruments from 1990 was premiered by the Gemini Ensemble London in 1990. In 1992 it was selected by an international jury for the ISCM Festival, the World Music Days 1992 in Warsaw.
The piece can be performed in several vocal and instrumental combinations, the exact choice from the given possibilities is at discretion of performers. Text of the cycle is based on 4 poems by Michelangelo. Their selection was determined by the idea of devoting each song to one strong human feeling or relationship – love, friendship, world, God. The poetry of Michelangelo needs no verbal justification, it is so powerful in its simplicity, beautiful in its pain, scepticism, proud humility that it speaks for itself. I wish I were a good listener.
Iris Szeghy